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art from the heart
5-week Sandhills Community Welless Center Workshop

Length: Five sessions, 1 ½ hours each
When: 1/ 29, 2/5, & 2/12, 2/19, & 2/26  6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Where: Sand Hills Community Wellness Center, Kendall Park, NJ    Google Maps📌

Cost: Discounted down to $150 (for all 5 sessions)


“Let’s play” is the heart and soul of this five-week workshop. Each module gives you a chance to explore unique and fun ways to play with art, art materials, and your own creativity.

First, you’ll use pencil and paper to create “mindful doodles”. 

Next you’ll use a unique method to create abstract art with paint and markers.

In module three you’ll learn about and create a color wheel and play with colors to learn more about how color can change when mixed with other colors and how the colors relate to each other.

Modules four and five include some fun opportunities to listen to music and poetry and translate that into the art your imagination sees.

It’s all about FUN and you’ll learn a lot about yourself in the process. Come on and play!!!

Upon registration you will receive a welcome letter from Franne with a materials list and suggestions for where to purchase. 


JOIN US!!! It’s good for your heart and your soul. 

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